My Feature For My Project

My Feature consists of a Body Weight Macro Calculator that will give you a certain diet based off of your current weight and your goal weight

  • Consists of a text box in order to input your current and goal weight
  • Provide you with a certain diet to follow with calories, protein, fats, sugars, and fiber image

    Collegeboard Rubric Requirements

    Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Overall purpose of the program is so that users are able to get assisted with a calculator that will provide them with a working diet in order to achieve their weight goal
  • I plan on adding a feature such as wanting to gain more muscle mass or a goal as to losing fat so that they can get a workout plan into it as well
  • The input and output will be described in the video, this will consist of on how the output will be based on the users input into a certain diet

Row 2: Abstraction

  • Data will be stored per user according to their login and the video will show the API giving the user their output
  • The variable is the output which is going to be your diet you are provided with

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • I will include a code segment that shows a list being used to manage complexity in the program by showing the users input and output that will be stored into our SQLite database

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Our code segment will show that it is a student developed API that will provide users with an output
  • I will describe what the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program and how it contributes is by being the main part of the program by providing users with a diet to follow which will help the user improve its diet and physical health

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • I am not 100% sure how I am going to use it in Algorithm Implementation because I have a very different feature than the others in my group, but once I figure it out I will replace this answer.

Row 6: Testing

  • I will give the one call because they are inputting two different text boxes but they are being calculated based on each other so it will be one call
  • The result of users output will be based on users input of current/goal weight
  • When user clicks on option to look for suggested workout plans, they will be provided videos that come from the search bar

Video Plan

In my video, I am going to show the entire Body Weight Macro Calculator feature and how it will give you different outputs based on different inputs that I am going to enter. There is going to be a button that redirects you to the search bar based on the options that I am going to put on the page such as “Chest Workout”, “Back Workout”, “Bicep Workouts, and more features. I also plan to leave another button that just takes you to the search page just for you to browse whatever you feel like.