Notes on 3.6 Videos

3.6: Daily Video 1 Notes

-Learning how to convey a selection-based method using visual representations such as flowcharts and pseudocode rather than a programming language

-Depending on whether a condition is true or false, selection dictates which steps of an algorithm are carried out.

-A finite set of instructions known as an algorithm is used to complete a particular task. includes combinations of iteration, sequencing, and selection.

-Using selection, we can decide amongst various options based on the outcome of a choice or condition.

3.6: Daily Video 2 Notes

-By executing various statements depending on the result of a Boolean expression, conditional statements, commonly referred to as “if-statements,” alter the sequential flow of control.

-You may format them as if or if else blocks.

-Any statement in the block of statements is completed if the condition is true.

-IF IS merely one specific consequence, IF ELSE, two outcomes. After receiving user input, an IF statement will utilize that information to determine whether to put a Boolean expression in parenthesis or a block.

3.6: Daily Video 3 Notes

-Discover how to interpret the output of conditional statements.

-If blocks or IF ELSE blocks can be used to change the execution flow of conditional statements in our program, giving us the option to choose between two possible results.

-Only when the IF condition is false does ELSE run.

-The use of IF statements enables us to take specific action depending on whether a condition is true or false.

Lesson Plan Idea

  • PearDeck 3.5-3.7 -The plan is that me and Derek are going to present our section of the peardeck. We will explain everything that you need to know from our 3.6 videos, we will switch off between the slides that we create. We plan on doing a reward for the people who get the questions right with something like candy. Our lesson for our section will last for nearly 10 minutes and a scenario we could do is ask a question and see how they would code it on a vscode situation.