• New engineering building with tutoring center
  • Highest turnover for economic status
  • 250+ Stairs
  • Masters in cyber security
  • Lots of computer science courses
  • Software engineering


  • Cybersecurity
  • Robotics
  • 3D Printing club
  • Society of Womens Engineers
  • Society of Physics students


  • Join Clubs
  • Check email
  • Campus events
  • Avoid unpaid internships


  • Summer Scholars Program: A 10 week summer program that provides students with research experience together with enrichment activities
  • Quantum Bridges : A 4 Week program for admitted CSUSM Students interested in learning more about quantum sciences


  • They offer grants and scholarships
  • After 6 months of post graduation, there are options for facing financial hardship
  • Try avoid getting loans
