• The answer I chose was A which was incorrect and the correct answer was B
  • The company is not able to provide a human representative for calls made after business hours. image


  • Answer I chose was D which was Neither Grid 1 nor Grid 2 and the correct answer was Grid I only.
  • The reasoning for Grid 1 only is because the Grid II has 2 black squares that are not supposed to be there which means that the Grid I was the correct answer to choose according to the statement image


  • The answer that I chose for this question was option C which was true false true
  • The correct answer was C which was false false false because the first three statements assign values to the variables. The fourth statement assigns the value of (NOT (a OR b)) AND c to a. Since a OR b is true, NOT (a OR b) is false, so (NOT (a OR b)) AND c is false. The fifth statement assigns the value of c AND a to c. Since a is now false, c AND a is false. The last three statements display the values of the variables. image


  • The answer I chose was C which was Check if the time is during business hours. If it is, check if the gate sensor is activated. If it is not, check if the gate is open. If it is not, turn on the motor. -The correct answer was Option D which was Check if the time is during business hours. If it is, check if the gate sensor is activated. If it is, check if the gate is open. If it is not, turn on the motor.
  • This option is correct because the algorithm continues past the first check if the time is during business hours, the algorithm continues past the second check if the gate sensor is activated, and the algorithm continues past the third check if the gate is not open. Performing the checks in this order will ensure that the gate is opened only under the appropriate conditions. image


  • The incorrect answer I chose was A which was II only and the correct answer was D which was II and III. image


  • Correct Answer was D which was no change is needed, I chose the incorrect answer of A which was Interchange the ROTATE_RIGHT and the ROTATE_LEFT blocks.
  • No change is needed in this code segment because the code segment in the question is already facing towards the bottom of the grid image


  • I chose option A which wass the geneti codes must be converted from binary to decimal numbers
  • The correct answer was option B which was the list must be sorted based on the genetic code values
  • This answer is correct because in order for binary search on a list to work as intended, the list must be sorted image


  • The incorrect answer was A and B and I chose those 2, while the correct answers were C and D
  • Procedural abstraction makes it easier for people to read computer programs. image


  • The correct answer was A and B, I selected B and C. C was incorrect because random number generators can be used to simulate the variability that exists in the world, so results are not always the same. Validation of the results is usually accomplished by comparing the outcomes with those based on experimentation. image


  • The correct answer was B and I chose A and the correct answer was B because simulations are limited by the model that is used. There may be many reasons for using a simplified model, including ease of implementation. image


  • Correct answer was algorithm A and D I selected algorithmn B and D, algorithm A is correct because As the size of the list grows, the number of steps needed to sort the list grows at a linear rate, as the number of steps is equal to 10n for a list of size n. This is an example of a polynomial efficiency and indicates that the algorithm runs in a reasonable amount of time. image


I think that improvement is definitely still needed for me. I scored a 39/50 on my test. Although this score was way better than what I scored last test, I am trying to aim towards the A range of a grade.